Challenges Of 2023 Polls Created Doubts In Minds Of Electorate – IPC


Executive Director of International Press Centre (IPC), Lagos-Nigeria, 
Mr. Lanre Arogundade,  has said that some challenges experienced from the 2023 general elections have created doubts on the minds of the electorate.
He expressed this while delivering the welcome address at a One-day Multi-stakeholders Dialogue on Rebuilding Trust in the Electoral Processes, Institutions, and Elections, held on Thursday, May 25, 2024, at Bafra Hotel, Kaduna, Kaduna State-Nigeria. 

“As we do know, while the elections recorded commendable landmarks, particularly in terms of meticulous planning and the use of voting technology via BVAS, it also had challenges some of which have created doubts in the minds of sections of the electorate.
” Indeed, what can be deduced from the various comments and opinions is that trust and confidence issues about the electoral processes, electoral institutions, and elections have to be urgently addressed because they are essential for ensuring the desired participation of citizens in activities that can lead to credible elections,” he said.

According to him, Conant Leadership says that, “trust is the single most essential element to our ability to deliver extraordinary results in an enduring way” and that “Trust leads to high because it enables an organization to work as it should; it’s the first defense against dysfunction and the first step towards delivering better outcomes”. Stephen R. Covey also says “Trust is the glue of life. It’s the most essential ingredient in effective communication. It’s the foundational principle that holds all relationships.”
He therefore, asked rhetorically, how trust can be restored on the electorate.
“Therefore, how do we continue to build trust in the electoral processes? How do we ensure that citizens go out to register and collect their PVCs? How do we ensure that they vote even after collecting their PVCs? What are our roles and responsibilities in providing the enabling environment for popular participation in elections as critical stakeholders? 
“The challenge of finding answers to these questions and perhaps many other ones is the main reason for our gathering today under the auspices of Component 4b: Support to Media of the European Union Support to Democratic Governance in Nigeria, phase two project (EU-SDGNII),” he said. 
The Executive Director said that IPC is confident that, “your presence here today will ensure that we find the right answers to these questions. In this regard, we wish to commend Prof. Dung Pam Sha for agreeing to be the lead speaker and also thank Dr. Abubakar Siddique Mohammed for accepting to be the chairman of this dialogue. 

On behalf of the International Press Centre (IPC), he welcomed  special guests and distinguished participants to the multi-stakeholder dialogue on Rebuilding Trust in the Electoral Processes, Institutions, and Elections, which happens to be the third in the series after earlier ones in Abuja and Lagos.
“We embarked on this journey in response to some of the matters arising from the conduct of the 2023 general elections,” he said. 

He appreciated  Mr. Aminu Idris, INEC Resident Commissioner for Kaduna State; CP Ali Audu Dabigi, Kaduna State Commissioner of Police; Prof. Muhammad Kuna, Special Adviser to the INEC Chairman, Mr. Aminu Idris, INEC Resident Electoral Commission for Kaduna State, Hon. Ahmad Tijani Mustapha, Kaduna State IPAC chairman, and all other esteemed guests for being part of this important assembly. 
Arogundade also  thanked the European Union for providing the enabling funds for the activity. 


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