Delta Senator, Joel Seeks S-South Stakeholders Collaboration For  Development 


The Senator representing Delta South Senatorial District, Senator Joel-Onowakpo Thomas, today, urged government appointees in the South-South region to liaise with their elected counterparts as well as the traditional rulers to positively change the fortunes of the South-South region. 
The Senator also disclosed that there is  urgent need for traditional rulers and government appointees, elected representatives to collaborate for  better development and growth in the South-South region.
The Delta South Senator Joel-Onowakpo made the call at the opening ceremony of the 13th Extraordinary General Assembly of the South-South traditional rulers assembly at the Unity Hall, Government House Asaba, capital city of Delta State, where he served on double capacity, represented the Senate President, Senator Godswill Ufot Akpabio and himself. 
Sen Onowakpo while speaking on his own capacity as the Senator representing Delta South Senatorial District,  after the presentation of Senator Godswill Akpabio’s remarks as the Special Guest of Honour at the event, he stated that until critical stakeholders form a united front and deliberately cooperate for advancement of South-South, the development in the region will not be commensurate with the huge contributions being made to the national treasury.
Onowakpo therefore, urged government appointees in the region who are occupying vital offices to always liaise with their elected counterparts as well as the traditional rulers, whom he described as the custodians of rich traditional heritage, to positively change the fortunes of the region
In his words, “There is a wide gap between the revenue we contribute to the national treasury and the development we have as a region. This is quite disturbing, however, if we must change this ugly narrative, all critical stakeholders in the region, especially our revered monarchs, government appointees and elected representatives, must deliberately work together,” the Senator said.
He also charged the traditional leaders to appoint a liaison officer who can work closely with both elected and appointed officers, adding  that the traditional rulers are blessed with divine wisdom and have answers to many of the challenges bedeviling the society.
He commended the rulers for forming the South-South Traditional Rulers Forum to forge a united front to project the region, promote peace, security and development.
He assured the South South Monarchs that they will continue to strive towards ensuring that what is due the zone gets to it, adding that the present administration of President Ahmed Tinubu is working towards uplifting the fortunes of the people.
On his part, the state governor, His Excellency, Rt Hon Sheriff Oborevwori of Delta, who declared the event open during his welcome speech, lamented the poor development across the South-South zone.
Oborevwori called on all leaders of the region to be more serious and proactive in advancing the cause of the South-South.


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