One Year Too Short For Tinubu To Solve Nigeria’s Problems – ACF

*Says President inherited many difficulties on May 29, 2023

By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna

When sworn-in almost a year ago, President Bola Ahmed Tinubu met a lot of difficulties, which are difficult to surmount within one year.
The Arewa Consultative Forum (ACF) Chairman, Mamman Mike Ousman (SAN) expressed this, while fielding questions from newsmen on the sidelines of the ACF National Executive Committee (NEC) meeting in Kaduna yesterday.

He said that the ACF  is a cultural, social organisation, which sometimes is misconstrued.
“We stand for the North as much as Nigeria’s unity. President Tinubu came to power on May 29, 2023, he met difficulties.
“We have much respect for the President Tinubu. We recognize the fact that one year is a short time with which he can transform the country,” he said.
Speaking further, he said that   they appreciate the milestones Tinubu had  achieved  so far.
“He is doing his best through various outfits and  agencies like police and military in order to subdue and do away with terrorism and banditry,” he added.
Ousman   said that the ACF  has resolved to be of tremendous assistance  whenever  invited to make its contributions to the development of Nigeria.
“The country belongs to all of us,  we believe If we give the president our support, from the 19 states, the country would be better off for it,” he submitted.
On  the stand of ACF on State Police, he said that an invitation for memorandum from the House of Representatives towards achieving veritable resolutions and amendments, brought together various groups on the subject.
“They were here a few weeks ago and formed a committee. We are mindful of the fact that other regions have their positions and 15 thematic points have already been  submitted to the National Assembly,” he revealed.

On the expected outcome of the NEC meeting, he said that  said it is   aimed at promoting the  pursuit of the  interest   particularly of people in the 19 Northern states within the context of Nigerian sovereignty.


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