Why God is urgently calling his children out of the church system

If we truly long to see the power of God move in our nation in our days, there is a price to pay. And it is this: we should expect to both witness and experience a much more intense suffering for the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the country. The reason for this is simple… Continue reading Why God is urgently calling his children out of the church system

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Ebonyi 2019: Opposition’s grouses against Umahi exposed

By MONICA ADA CHIDINMA EZE Few weeks back, we monitored nocturnal meetings in Abuja, Abakaliki and Enugu of major political heavy weights that lost out in the 2015 general elections in Ebonyi State, with those who felt that they are not carried along by the present administration of Governor Dave Umahi and the group that… Continue reading Ebonyi 2019: Opposition’s grouses against Umahi exposed

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OPINION BY OGBONNA NWUKE: Of Trump, Hitler and World History

By Ogbonna Nwuke It wasn’t really supposed to be easy either for America or for a world order that has evolved over time. The signs had been there right from the time the new sheriff in town bared his fangs on the campaign trail.

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OPINION BY FEMI FANI-KAYODE: The travails of Apostle Suleman and the inciting words of the Sultan of Sokoto (Part 2)

President Donald J. Trump summed it up rather well when he said, in reference to the Islamist terrorists and those that derive joy from committing genocide against Christians, that “they are sneaky dirty rats. They blow up people in a shopping centres and they blow up people in a church”. He went on to say… Continue reading OPINION BY FEMI FANI-KAYODE: The travails of Apostle Suleman and the inciting words of the Sultan of Sokoto (Part 2)

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OPINION BY FEMI FANI-KAYODE: The travails of Apostle Johnson Suleman and the inciting words of the Sultan of Sokoto (Part 1)

Nothing sums up the dangerous way in which the DSS is handling the Apostle Johnson Suleman affair better than the words of the Southern Kaduna-based Pastor Owojaye Matthew. He said, “you want to arrest Christian clergymen who asked Christians to defend themselves against killer FULANI Herdsmen while you allow hundreds of foreign FULANI herdsmen invading… Continue reading OPINION BY FEMI FANI-KAYODE: The travails of Apostle Johnson Suleman and the inciting words of the Sultan of Sokoto (Part 1)

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Rumble in the Gambia

  By Ogbonna Nwuke The Gambia shouldn’t be at the centre of global attention. But it is. Thanks to the intransigence of a man who has been in power for too long, the tiny African country is in the spotlight. At stake is the future of democracy in the Gambia and the refusal of Yahya… Continue reading Rumble in the Gambia

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OPINION BY JOHN DANFULANI – Re: The canonisation of the unsaintlty

By Dr. John Danfulani “There are tree types of lies…lies, damn lies, and statistical lies” Benjamin Disraeli It’s no longer in doubt that some forces are hell bent to making sure that they dent the reputation of the former Vice President Atiku Abubakar( Turakin Adamawa).To these gang, pulling Turaki down is a mission that must… Continue reading OPINION BY JOHN DANFULANI – Re: The canonisation of the unsaintlty

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