Eid el-Kabir: Let’s Build Compassionate, Peaceful Relationship For Better Nigeria — AA Chair

By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna

As Nigerians join the world to celebrate the joyous season of Eid-el-Kabir, the National  Chairman of Action Alliance (AA),  Hon. (Dr.) Adekunle Rufai Omo-Aje has said that Nigerians must build and maintain a compassionate and peaceful relationship with fellow citizens for a better Nigeria.

The chairman asserted this in a statement made available to the Media in Kaduna, today, as part of his goodwill message to celebrate the Eid-el-Kabir.

According to the AA Chairman, the Eid-el-Kabir celebration calls for reflection on what binds Nigerians together, which includes the need to show love, compassion, and support for one another.

He implored Muslims to remember the sacrifice made by Prophet Ibrahim and strive to reciprocate the act of kindness to their fellow Brothers and Sisters.

The chairman stressed that selfless sacrifice and communal love as exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim and his son, Ishmael, would remain a guide to anyone willing to submit themselves to the Will of Allah.

He added that every Nigerian who desires a blessed and better Nigeria will pray for their fellow Citizens especially those in political offices so that the good will of Allah will reflect on them and cause the Nation to prosper.

Hon. Omo-Aje also appealed to Nigerians to remember the less privileged and the poor during the celebration and allow the fear of Allah to guide them in all their conduct.

“The Islamic religion preaches togetherness and the value of communal living. Your sacrifice should always be charity to the poor, good deeds, and submission to the Almighty Allah.

“I urge us all to have a sober reflection on the State of our Nation, as we mark this year’s Sallah. Though the challenges confronting our country look intimidating, I am optimistic that with unity of purpose, we will surmount them.

“I want to encourage you to devote more time to pray for our Country, the nation, and all our leaders at all levels, that God should lead them right in their service to the people.”

“Let us continue to practice the lesson of tolerance, perseverance, and love for our neighbors that we have learned. Let us also learn to always follow the path of dialogue in resolving our differences rather than advocating for violence.”

“It is my prayer that Allah (SWT) will accept your Ibada. Let me enjoin you to continue to be your brother’s keeper and promote unity always and continue to live in harmony with one another in the fulfillment of Allah’s teachings and the lessons of the Holy Prophet Muhammed (S.A.W).”

By jatuskicommunications@gmail.com

Authentic News Daily is a publication of Jatuski Communications. You can reach our Consulting Editor via 08028332521 or authenticnewsdaily@gmail.com

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