Capt Tukur Buratai Felicitates With Governor Zulum   Borno Citizens On Eid-al-Adha


In a heartfelt message, Capt Tukur Tukur Buratai  has extended  warm wishes to Governor Babagana Ummara Zulum and the residents of Borno State on the occasion of Eid-al-Adha. 

In a statement he personally signed, Capt Tukur Buratai emphasized the significance of the festive season as a time for prayer, reflection, and unity.

Capt Tukur Buratai urged the Muslim Umma to use the auspicious occasion to pray for peace, unity, and continued development in Borno State and across Nigeria. 

He stressed the importance of coming together as a nation to promote harmony and progress in the region.

Capt Tukur’s message resonated with many, who echoed his sentiments of hope and solidarity during this challenging time. 

His call for unity and cooperation serves as a reminder of the strength that can be found in coming together as a nation.

As the Eid-al-Adha celebrations continue, Capt Tukur Buratai’s message serves as a beacon of hope and inspiration for the people of Borno State.

 It is a reminder of the power of unity and prayer in overcoming challenges and achieving progress.


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