Kaduna Central Soccer Teams Anxious Over Senator LA, YSFON Soccer Kick Off

By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna

Teams from different local government areas in Kaduna Central Senatorial District are anxiously looking forward to the kick off of a football competition in the zone, organised by the Youth Sports Federation of Nigeria (YSFON) on behalf of Senator Lawal Adamu, popularly known as Mr LA.

They expressed this at a stakeholders meeting in Kaduna yesterday, where they got assurances from the Sports Director to the Distinguished Senator, Abdulsalam Jere.

Bowing to the pressure from both the clubs, and supporters of Mr. LA, as well as football fans all over the state, Jere told them that the Senator is committed to doing things that will impact Kaduna Central positively, as well as promote peaceful coexistence.

Jere said they are encouraged with the way teams are showing interest and concern with the vision of the Distinguished Senator Lawal Adamu Usman (Mr LA).

Our correspondent gathered that the clubs from the different local government areas of the state present at the meeting, include, Kakuri Academy, Yelwa Utd, Bakura FC, Rigacikun Football Academy and Kajuru Rockets.

Others are, Unity Academy, Rimi Youth, Young Eagles FC, Amana FC Rigacikun and ikhana Rigasa, among others.

By jatuskicommunications@gmail.com

Authentic News Daily is a publication of Jatuski Communications. You can reach our Consulting Editor via 08028332521 or authenticnewsdaily@gmail.com

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