Governor Ganduje Makes Fresh Appointments

By KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna

Governor Abdullahi Umar Ganduje of Kano State has approved the appointment of Malandi Umar Kura, as Permanent Secretary, in the State Civil Service. 
A statement signed by the Director-general, Media and Public Relations, Government House, Kano, Ameen K. Yassar, dated February 14,  2022, said that  prior to this appointment, Malandi held the position of Director, Geographical Information System, Kano State Bureau for Land Management.Equally, Governor Ganduje approved the appointment Malam Isma’il Musa, as the State Auditor General. Until his elevation, Malam Isma’il was the Director, Planning, Research and Statistics at the state Ministry for Local Government. He succeeds Hajiya Amina Inuwa Sa’id, who retired from the State Civil Service recently. The appointments, which were conveyed in separate correspondences signed by the State Head of Civil Service, Hajiya Binta Lawal Ahmed, explained that the tenure of the two senior civil servants “will be governed by conditions applicable to such statutory career posts in the Public Service”.According to the Head of Civil Service, the appointments symbolize the esteemed recognition of the personal credibility and competence as well as patriotic disposition of the two appointees, towards promotion of the goals of the State. “I need not to say that, the responsibilities and challenges devolved on your shoulders are enormous, but I remain confident that you will strive to uphold the trust of the noble position, through determination, commitment and complete application of the experiences you acquired over the years”, the Head of Civil Service emphasized.Governor Ganduje congratulated the duo over the milestone career progression and prayed Allah to guide them in the discharge of their duties.The two new appointees will be sworn in at a later date.


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