The Media Can Make Or Mar Nigeria – Aruwan

Kaduna State Commissioner of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Honourable Samuel Aruwan (middle) with acting Chairman Kaduna NUJ, Alhaji Mohammed Sabiu (left) and CEO Absolute Press, Mr. Emeka Nwankpa at a One-Day Capacity Building Workshop for Journalists with theme, ” News Reporting For National Stability ” held on Saturday August 31, 2019, organized by Non Violent Peace Institute in collaboration with Absolute Press (AP).
The future of Nigeria’s development, peace and stability lies in the hands of the media.
Commissioner of Internal Security and Home Affairs, Honourable Samuel Aruwan expressed this in his remarks while declaring open One-Day Capacity Building Workshop for Journalists with theme, ” News Reporting For National Stability ” held on Saturday August 31, 2019 in Kaduna.
On this note, I want to reiterate that the future of Nigeria lies on the media. I want the media to do a lot of investigation, let’s find out how to end banditry and crisis. I am expecting the media to investigate how the bandits get logistics, fuel, bikes and others,” he said.
He said that the media is powerful, much more powerful than the sword.
“Others have believe that the media is part of our problem. I would be very frank. The media is a sensitive organ. The media sets agenda. If the media sets a good agenda that would ensure stability and peace, society would follow.
“But if a cross section if the media us biased and laced with certain interests there would be a problem.
“I believe that the media should uphold credibility and work hard towards attaining credibility,” he added.
He stressed that the media must divulge sentiments from its reports.
“We must put interests aside and look at the lives that are at stake. Let’s say I live in Kabala West, I don’t have control over my brothers in other parts of the city if a crisis breaks out there.
“We must go beyond sentiments. If there is a problem it is not about religion or ethnicity. We must confront the problem.
“But in a situation where the media is becoming political, it would lose credibility.
The media must be neutral at all times, stay in the middle, but also consider the common good. Crisis can consume anyone.
“The problem of this country involves everyone, if we want to fix the problem, everyone must be involved,” he added.
He further said that the media must be factual and remove interests that are religious or political when writing reports.
“We have been in this game for four years and we know a little. There is a section of the media that reported three days ago that there was a gun duel around Kaduna Birnin Gwari Road. Which was false.
“What I think we should focus in is what do we do to surmount the challenges,” he stressed..
He informed that the state government in its resolve at ensuring all round security, has established a 24-hour centre that deals with security challenges.
“We try to work on information we get,” he added.
 He cautioned journalists that in the cause of doing their duty, if they put bias into it, it might lead to consequences.
“In the Ministry of Internal Security our doors are wide open, if there is anything you know to improve our security, we are willing to listen,” he concluded.
The workshop was organised by Non Violent Peace Institute in collaboration with Absolute Press (AP).


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