NorthWest Youth Meet On Climate Change, Tree Planting, Recycling Tops Discussion

kano YCIH-14
North West youth in a group photograph after their meeting on climate change.

Youth from Kano, Jigawa, Katsina, Sokoto, Kebbi, Zamfara and Kaduna in the NorthWest zone of the country have identified tree planting, waste recycling and green energy as some of the mitigation strategies needed to tackle climate change.
The youth are meeting under the Youth Climate Incubation Hub, a climate change solution generating meeting for youth to proffer innovative ideas to tackle the mirage of climate change in the country organized by the Federal Ministry of Environment and the United Nations Development Programme.
Participants from Jigawa state presented how tree planting can be made innovative to attract attention and make such exercise a people orientated project for sustainability.
They also presented another project that can convert waste into useful products that are used for cooking and green cooking option.
From Kano state, the participants presented a project on efficient cooking stove using water and petrol, solar powered tricycle capable of using nuclear source for the longer battery life.
Kaduna youth came with innovative ecological education proposal to capture the younger generation and a smart agriculture that will ensure farmers get better yield in the face of climate challenges.
Opening the meeting, Alhaji Tukur Makama Getso, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Environment said that the state government was prepared to ensure that it tackles the impact of climate change.
Getso listed projects undertaken by the state government in her efforts to tackle climate change and this include: The climate change unit in the ministry of environment, annual tree planting campaign and huge budgetary allocation for annual seedling production, participation in the national Great Green Wall project, establishment of 22km of shelter belts and 20Ha of community Orchards.
He also said that the state has employed over 100 forest guards to protect the forest from undue interferences.
The North West climate incubation hub is an opportunity for youth in the zones to participate in government efforts to tackle climate change.
The Hub coordinator, Mrs Ronke Kimemenihia- Eseka, of TalentPlus Resources International said it is their hope that the youth will come up with innovation and practical solution to mitigating climate challenges in Nigeria.
Ms Eunice Aina, one of the participants from Katsina said that the meeting was an eye opener as it presented the youth an opportunity to bring innovative ideas to managing the challenges of climate change in Nigeria.
“This is the first time, I can remember that government is giving the youth an opportunity to think and contribute their own quota to an issue of national concern,” she added.
Ms Zainab Mustapha, a participant from Kano said most of the youth invited for the meeting have been on their own taking actions on climate change so coming together to synergies is an added advantage for the country to get vibrant and youth backed ideas to solve the challenges of climate change.


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