APC Salutes Borno Governor, Zulum at 50



The All Progressives Congress (APC) has felicitated with the Borno State Governor, H.E. Prof. Babagana Umara Zulum as he turns 50.

In a statement signed by its National Publicity Secretary,, Mallam Lanre Issa-Onilu, the party said that  attaining 50 is a significant milestone.

“When combined with the Governor’s sterling personal achievements so far, it calls for celebration,” it added

The challenges facing Borno State has been well reported. So is the tremendous progress that our administration has made in defeating the Boko Haram terrorists very visible.

It said it is heartening to see the sense of duty, energy, courage and proactive approach Governor Zulum has brought to bear in tackling the challenges within the short period he has been in office.

The APC recalled Governor Zulum’s outstanding work as commissioner for Reconstruction, Rehabilitation, and Resettlement under the immediate-past administration in the State.

“Therefore, we are confident that Governor Zulum’s understanding of the issues and steps to address the devastation caused by Boko Haram insurgency will put the state on the path of sustainable development.

“We join family, associates, friends and indeed the good people of Borno State in praying for the Governor’s good health while wishing him success as he implements the administration’s 10-point agenda to fast track rapid social and economic development of the state,” it concluded.

By jatuskicommunications@gmail.com

Authentic News Daily is a publication of Jatuski Communications. You can reach our Consulting Editor via 08028332521 or authenticnewsdaily@gmail.com

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