Chikun, Kaduna South LGAs Stand Still For PDP As MEEMZ Rallies Support For Atiku, Ashiru, Others

MEEMZ Coordinator, Ochanya Odeh (holding the microphone) addressing the women groups at the Sabon Tasha Primary school in Kaduna when her group embarked on a campaign rally for all PDP Candidates in Kaduna on Saturday January 5, 2019. On her immediate right is the candidate for Chikun Constituency, Kaduna House of Assembly, Honourable Chawazah'.
MEEMZ Coordinator, Ochanya Odeh (holding the microphone) addressing the women groups at the Sabon Tasha Primary school in Kaduna when her group embarked on a campaign rally for all PDP Candidates in Kaduna on Saturday January 5, 2019. On her immediate right is the candidate for Chikun Constituency, Kaduna House of Assembly, Honourable Chawazah’.

By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna

Supporters of the Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) from Chikun and Kaduna South LGAs responded positively in solidarity to a rally for candidates of the party for all positions in the forth coming general elections.

The rally  organised by MEEMZ Group Advocacy For Good Governance and Democracy, kicked off from Refinery Junction in a slow procession, with an open truck mounted with public address system and a DJ, leading the convoy.

At Sabon Tasha Market, the rally attracted a large crowd that kept chanting ‘PDP Change the change’

From there, the convoy proceeded to the LEA Primary School Sabon Tasha where several women groups had already converged.
Addressing women at the gathering at Sabon Tasha Primary School, Sabon Tasha Women Leader, introduced the PDP Candidate for Kaduna State House of Assembly,
Coordinator of MEEMZ Group,  Ochanya Esther Odeh said that they should all be united and chase poverty out of Kaduna State and Nigeria.
She lamented that the sufferings of Nigerians pushed her alongside other like minds to support PDP to oust the present government.
When she said Nigeria, they responded ‘Sai Atiku’. Kaduna, ‘Sai Ashiru’ Kaduna Central, ‘Sai Mr. LA, Chikun, ‘Sai Chawazah’.
In his remarks, the candidate for Kaduna House of Assembly, Chikun State Constituency, Honourable Ayuba Ishaku Chawazah said that they should vote only PDP Candidates for all elective positions.
He said that PDP is the only party that remembers the poor masses.
Chawazah explained that during PDP led government, food was in abundance, people could afford healthcare and transport.
“Under this government, people are hungry, people are tired of burning corpses. If you want to go to Kakuri or Maraban Rico, you will be calculating where to get transport.
He assured them that he will forever leave his doors open to people.
“The way you see me now is how I will be if I am voted into office, I remain the same, I won’t change,” he stressed.
The women groups also used to occasion to offer prayers for the victory of PDP at all levels in the 2019 general elections.
In an interview with newsmen, Honourable Chawazah said that they were not surprised by the support the rally attracted from the public.
“We expected such support from the people because the present government has failed, but PDP is talking about reality of life and people have seen the need to pick the best for candidates who will meet their needs and aspirations,” he added.
Speaking further, he praised the MEEMZ Group for using their resources to sensitize the voters.
“And with the little items they brought to the widows, it is a wonderful privilege to be here to witness it. I call on other well to do people to emulate same,” he added.
Meanwhile, the rally saw the group tour towns in Chikun and Kaduna South LGAs, with the curtains drawn on the day’s activities at Barnawa.


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