As U.N. reacts to Turkey’s right abuses, says Erdogan may derail ‘beyond what is permissible’


By Chris Suleiman, Abuja

The world have been watching and taking note on how President Erdogan is turning Turkey to a dangerous land to live especially for those perceived as enemies of the repressive Erdogan and his Justice Development Party. Needless to mention the devastating effect hate speeches against the Hizmet by Erdogan and men of his government have had n human right in Turkey.

International community have been raising concern, but like Idi Amin, Erdogan choose to block his ears to the voice of wisdom calling on him to take the path of honour and do the right thing, but Erdogan choose to be deviant and further perpetrate wickedness against any form of opposition against his government.

Even a Mubutu would nt have derailed in such an abysmal level at this level with the level of civilisation in the world. How can a President f a democratic nation choose to cease businesses own by private persons, sacked and imprisned teachers. What is the justification of taking over private media houses by Government then convert them to government propaganda tools, using them against the original owners. I am sure Erdgan would have no valid explanation of arresting judges, prosecutors and other civil servants.

The world has expressed concerned, United Naions were worried. Reports on International media have it that,  Turkey’s detention or suspension of more than 110,000 officials since a failed coup in July, including the arrest of pro-Kurdish lawmakers on Friday, may go “beyond what is permissible”, the United Nations’ human rights office said on Friday.

The reports als stressed that “There needs to be a presumption of innocence when you’re going to suspend somebody from their job, when you’re going to detain somebody, you need to do this in line with due process,” U.N. human rights spokeswoman Ravina Shamdasani told a briefing in Geneva.

Ravina said “And given the numbers, we are worried this is not the case.”

The U.N. expressed concern last week about Turkey’s detentions and suspensions of elected lawmakers but the situation has worsened and the crackdown on the media is also very worrying, she said.
Turkey must ensure transparency and guarantee that its actions are governed by due process under the law, Shamdasani added.

“We are concerned that while they have declared a state of emergency and they have declared derogation of certain principles of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, the steps that the authorities are taking go beyond what is permissible in these cases,” she said.

Earlier on Friday, a spokesman for the pro-Kurdish Peoples’ Democratic Party, the Turkish parliament’s second-biggest opposition grouping, said the detention of its two leaders and at least nine other lawmakers risked triggering civil war.

Prime Minister Binali Yildirim told reporters that elected officials who incited and encouraged terrorism must face legal proceedings and that they had been detained because they had refused to give testimony.

A car bomb killed eight people and wounded more than 100 on Friday in Diyarbakir, southeast Turkey’s largest city, he said.

Recalled that Erdogan led Government in Turkey has taken over property own by Hizmet sympathizers, to completely silence all opposition to his rule, and completely re-engineer the military structure, including the education of cadets to bring the military under his tutelage. On the night of the coup attempt he said “This uprising is a gift from God to us because this will be a reason to cleanse our army.”

It was also on records that ” On the night of July 15, several hours before details of the coup attempt emerged, President Erdogan, speaking on a smartphone to CNN- Turk declared Fethullah Gulen, a 77-year old reclusive preacher living in Pennsylvania, to be its mastermind.

“The official story told by Erdogan government about the failed coup attempt is that a group of Gulen-sympathizer military ofcers learned that they would be eliminated in the upcoming August meeting of the High Council of the Military and they staged a coup to save themselves and gain control of the government. While this story sounds appealing, it is not based on an investigation or a court verdict.

Analysts said the official story leaves many questions unanswered and the government has so far failed to produce the evidence to link Gulen with the attempt.
U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper stated that they did not see evidence of Gulen’s involvement in the coup attempt in their intelligence.

Also, many independent experts argued that it is objectively very unlikely for Gulen- sympathizer officers to be the driving force of such an attempt. A more plausible alternate story provided by independent observers has more explanatory power.

According to this story, the attempt had a much broader base,  including hardline Kemalists and neo-nationalists. President Erdogan was expecting such an attempt and his allies moved to cripple it and turn it into an opportunity for Erdogan to come out as a hero. The active role of Gen. Mehmet Disli, brother of AKP vice chairman Saban Disli on the night of the coup along with  other indicators, underlie this view.

It was also averred that in order to justify their purges and power grab, Turkish government is using a strategy of emotional appeal, disinformation and a logical fallacy. Turkish government is displaying horrifying pictures and videos of civilians being targeted by soldiers,

Chris Suleiman, Is the Abuja Editor of Authentic News Daily


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