NPFL: SWAN President tasks LMC on last round of matches

*lauds Nigeria’s Paralympians The President of Sports Writers Association of Nigeria (SWAN), Mr Honour Sirawoo has tasked the League Management Company Limited (LMC) to pay particular attention to the last rounds of matches involving the main contenders for this year’s Nigeria Professional Football League (NPFL) title in order not to jeopardise its achievements so far.

Corrupt people in Buhari’s govt hindering its success – Mbaka

Staunch supporter of the present administration and fiery Enugu Catholic priest,  Rev’d. Fr. Ejike Mbaka has said that Nigerians were yet to experience the real change being presented by President Muhammadu Buhari because some key positions were still occupied by the same people who corruptly enriched themselves from the public purse in Nigeria in the… Continue reading Corrupt people in Buhari’s govt hindering its success – Mbaka

Unlike Obama, Putin Is a Patriot

By JONATHAN F. KEILER Donald Trump’s praise of Vladimir Putin during the recent televised commander-in-chief forum has come in for widespread scorn, especially on the left, but also from some conservatives. The comments were perhaps politically ill-advised as they distracted attention from Hillary Clinton’s weaknesses and Trump’s better messages.

Prisons reacts to ‘release’ of Kabiru Sokoto

Reacting to the reports that have been trending on some main stream online media as well as the social media the Nigeria Prison Service has admitted that its men were actually seen escortingKabiru Dikko, the mastermind of 2011 Christmas Day bombing, out of the prison gates.

When APC leaders preach economy as Sallah sermon

In the churches, mosques, social gatherings, clubs and even drinking joints in Nigeria, the present economic crunch in has become the discourse and subject of debate. The Eid el-Kabir celebration was also not left out as leaders at various levels of the ruling All Progressives Congress (APC) adorned their Sallah messages with the economic challenges… Continue reading When APC leaders preach economy as Sallah sermon