Fintiri A Visionary Leader That Can Transform Adamawa Into A Bigger Dubai – Nyampa 

By; KATO P. LADAN, Kaduna

The Federal lawmaker representing the people of the Michika/Madagali Constituency of the Green Chambers of the National Assembly, Rt Hon Zakaria Dauda Nyampa has hailed Rt. Hon Ahmadu Umaru Fintiri, the Executive Governor of Adamawa State.

Nyampa in a statement sent to this medium to felicitate with Governor on the Father’s Day worldwide celebration,  said  that Fintiri is both his political mentor and father and is blunt in telling the world that the governor has made him whom he is today.

According to him Fintiri is a true visionary leader and attested to his dedication and foresight in delivering on the mandate of Adamawa citizens who have chosen and preferred him above many people.

“As his political firstborn, I extend my heartfelt congratulations and gratitude on this Father’s Day. Thank you for your guidance, wisdom, and unwavering belief in a brighter future for us all.” Nyampa said.

Nyampa while attesting to Fintiri’s leadership strides and strength in giving selfless service, recalled his first journey to Dubai in 2013 on a vacation.

He said that  Fintiri was stunned  when he described the super high-tech development he saw in Dubai.

“Upon my return, he eagerly asked about my experience and what I saw. I shared with him the stunning beauty of Dubai, and he looked at me and said, “If we have the opportunities, we will transform our state and Nigeria to be much more than Dubai.

“This profound statement is just one of many moments of mentorship I have received from him. His vision for a better Adamawa and Nigeria is unwavering. Despite being limited by resources, his dream of transforming our state and country is vast and inspiring.” He said 

He said Fintiri is no doubt an achiever in Adamawa State with his fast development strategies deployed to rescue the state from underdevelopment.

He bragged that it was because of Fintiri’s leadership giant strides that he bagged a national award for the  infrastructural development from the opposition party.


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